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Season 7 Guest Experts

Vivianna Gauci - HomeEquity Bank 
Claudio Polito - Appraisal Institute of Canada 
Ernest Bednarz and Aleksandra Bednarz- Malahat Valuation Group 
Francis Cheng - Raymond James Ltd.
Cindy Boury - Raymond James Ltd. 
Franco Papilia - Raymond James Ltd. 

Watch Past Episodes

Becoming a Landlord. Importance of a Financial Plans. Franchsing 101. The Power of Compounding

Individual Pension Plans. Wine as an asset class. Trusted Contacts. How to begin investing

Finding a mortgage. Probate fees. Aging gracefully. Financial conversations with your partner.

How much is your hair worth. Insurance while you're alive. Strata Properties. Borrowing to invest.

Charitable Giving. How much Insurance Do You Need. 3 Tips to Avoid Emotional Decisions. Cashflow.

Business Cycle and the Rate of Return. Selecting your executor. Reverse Mortgages. Paying of Debt

Real Estate and Buisness Valuation. Best markets in Canada. Building a death folder. Aging Parents.

Romance Scams. Real Estate Appraisal. When to take CPP. Dollar Cost Averaging

Estate Planning. Combating Identity Fraud. The BEst ETFs in Canada. Education Planning

The real cost of a pet, Venture Capitalism, Meal Prep on a Budget

Cryptocurrency, avoiding burnout, marriage vs. common law and the FHSA

Sustainable investing, Dress for Success, The Psychology of money

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